Thursday, 8 December 2011

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Monday 12th - Flexible Learning

By the end of the day you need to complete the following:

1) Storyboards for your 2min film opening completed
2) Scan your storyboards into the computer
3) Use those scanned images to complete your animatic in MovieMaker
4) Complete a diary account of what you did today including: what problems you encountered, how you overcame those problems and what went well

Here is an example of a good animatic:

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Preliminary Research

You are now going to add a section to your blog entitle ‘Preliminary Research’. In this section you should outline:
•What Continuity Editing is and what two categories it includes
•An explanation of Spatial Editing including:
•180 Degree Rule
•Shot/Reverse shot
•Match on Action Shot
•A summary of how important you think continuity editing it is to film making

Friday, 11 November 2011


Your homework task is to leave feedback comments for 2 other students in 2 different groups. Your feedback should include the following:
1-Comment on the 2 areas you feel they have made the best choices in (lighting, mise-en-scene, costume, props)Try to explain specifically what is good about these ideas.
2 - Advice on a 3rd area. Suggest how they could improve their choices in this area.

Developed Treatment

Add a section to your blog in which you explain your new and developed treatment of no less that 500 words for your whole film. It should include

1) The setting
2) The protaganist and anataganist
3) The three act structure.

The add explain the theory for your treatment

1) binary opposition
2) character type
3) equibrium (equilbrium, disequilbirum, new state of equilbrium)

Don't forget to include images, videos and links to websites for support. Also don't forget your bibliography or filmography.

Final Decisions

Please add a post on your blog where you explain your groups final decisions for the following:

1) Costumes
2) Props
3) Lighting
4) Mise en scene

Include images, videos and links to other websites for support. Don't forget your bibliography!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

What Should I Have On My Blog?

What should I have on my blog so far
Log onto your blog and ensure the following are up to date:

1. Group Film Idea

2. Film opening analysis

3. Codes and conventions of film openings

4. Genre Research Task

5. Mood Board with explanation of the key concepts.

6. Treatment Draft

7. Audience Research Task

8. Questionnaire

9. Questionnaire Results Analysis (Graphs)

10. Narrative Research Task

11. Final Cut - Blue Screen

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Final Cut Blue Screen Task

1.Film footage using the blue screen background
2.Import and cut video footage
3.Add titles to your footage
4.Use the blue screen technology in your footage
5.Publish your footage on the Media blog

Narrative Theory

You are now going to add a section to your blog entitled ‘Narrative Theories Research’. In this section you should outline:

• What narrative is
• Why narrative is important
• Explain what the three narrative theories are
• Decide which one you think is will be most useful in creating an effective narrative opening for your film
• Bibliography
• Filmography

Thursday, 20 October 2011

TASKS (21st Oct)

Please complete both tasks below:

1) Audience Research
2) Primary Research Task

Primary Research Task

You then need to begin your primary research. As we are aware the target audience is very important in any media product. You must meet their needs in order for your product to be a success. So, decide on your target audience for you film (teen…) and create a questionnaire which sets out to discover what movies (of your chosen genre) are popular with this audience, what conventions they rate as the most important as well as anything else you can think of

Hint: make your questionnaires easy to fill in and give the participants choices to choose from. Don’t ask a random question like: Why do you like horror movies? Instead, give them a list of possible reasons to choose from to state why they like horror movies – this will make your analysis much easier

You can analyse your results anyway you like, the simplest is to create charts in Microsoft Excel, but the more creative the better.

Audience Research

You are now going to add a section to your blog entitle ‘Audience Research’. In this section you should outline:

•Why audience research is important
•How audiences are categorized (demographics)
•Some key audience theories and which one you think best explains the media’s relationship with the audience

(Remember to reference your work with hyperlinks to websites/images/videos where appropriate)

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


You must now get together with your groups and develop your story. This must be a 300 word treatment for your film, which you must add to your blog. However, before you do this you must make sure you have answered the following questions in your group:
1.What is the main theme or idea?
2.Have you created a distinctive main character who is a rounded, believable character?
3.What is his or her goal?
4.Who is stopping him or her achieving this goal (the adversary or villain)?
5.What is at stake and why?
6.Where does the film take place?
7.Have you created other interesting characters?

Monday, 10 October 2011

What should I have on my blog so far

Log onto your blog and ensure the following are up to date:

1. Group Film Idea

2. Film opening analysis

3. Codes and conventions of film openings

4. Genre Research Task

5. Mood Board – with explanation of the key concepts you have chosen and why. As well as how you have shown them in your mood board

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Genre Research

You are now going to add a section to your blog entitled ‘Genre Research’. In this section you should outline:

  • What genre is
  • Its advantages and disadvantages
  • The genre you have chosen for your film and its conventions
  • The origins/history of your chosen genre
  • Some particular good examples (such as films/director/producers/actors) of your chosen genre and why you think they are good
  • An in-depth discussion of one particular film from your genre that you think is a good example of your genre and why
  • Bibliography
  • Filmography

(Remember to reference your work with hyperlinks to websites/images/videos where appropriate)

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Author................ ..Title
James, A (2005) A History of film form

Websites – accessed 10/09/2010

Year... Film......... .Director
1979 - Star Wars (George Lucas)

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Codes and Conventions of Film Openings

From your film opening analysis (which you should have finished) you must now add a section to your blog entitled Codes and Conventions of Film Openings. Make a note of the codes and conventions film openings share, listing examples (films) as evidence. For might include some of the following codes and conventions:

* Production Logo/Distribution Logo
* Begin with establishing shot
* Title of the movie
* Stars shown often
* Genre conventions (so audience know what genre of film it is)
* Inter-textual references (if sequel or prequel)
* Cast/Credit info

Monday, 19 September 2011


On your blogs I have written comments on the work you have done so far.



Film Opening Analysis

Analyse three film openings from different genres and add to your blog

1.What genre is the text and what are the genre conventions?
2.What are the key (technical and symbolic) codes in the sequence and what connotations do they create?
3.What are the key signifiers (Words/Images/Sounds) in the sequence and what do they signify?
4.What does the sequence tell us about the content of the movie? What are your expectations of the movie after viewing the sequence?
5.What audiences are being targeted and how do you know?

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Homework - Due Wednesday 6th April

Answer the question below, with detailed reference to specific examples from the extract only.

Extract: Eastenders, dir. Joyce Epstein

1.Discuss the ways in which the extract contructs the representation of ethnicity using the following:
  • Camera shots, angles, movement , composition
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise en scene (all 5 elements)

You should complete the equivalent of four written A4 sides

Don't forget to use the PEES writing system and remember to break the clip up chronologically

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Evaluation Example

Evaluation Questions

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • How does your media product present particular social groups?
  • What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  • Who would be the audience for your product?
  • How did you attract/address your audience?
  • What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?